Health & Wellness
Rights & Resources
Teen Conference
Youth Voice
What is foster care?
What is confidentiality?
Where will I live?
Who are the people who can help me?
What if I can’t get what I need?
How do I contact the DHHS offices?
How will I get the clothes I need?
What are Family Team meetings (FTMs)?
How do I prepare for my FTMs?
Going to court (for being in state custody)?
Who’s who in court?
What are all these legal terms?
What? Even more legal terms?
What is the Youth Leadership Advisory Team?
What is the Teen Conference?
How do I visit with my family?
What do I do if I have siblings?
What is “Permanency?”
of youth in care?
of your caseworker?
of your care providers?
of your biological family?
What are my community resources?
What are my volunteer opportunities?
Who are the Youth Transition Workers?
What is the Extended Care V-9 Contract?
If you are 15 or older, read this page!
If you are turning 18, read this page!
How do I take care of my health?
How do I take care of my mental health?
What are my rights in mental health care?
What information should I keep safe?
What are education supports and services?
What happens if I have to change schools?
Heading to a new school?
Thinking about college?
How do I apply for the tuition waiver?
What if I don’t qualify for the tuition waiver?
What are financial supports for college?
What are additional ways to pay for school?
What if I am unsure about what I want to do?