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YLAT Meetings

YLAT meetings are held statewide in Aroostook-Houlton, Bangor, Central ME, Lewiston, MidCoast, and So. Maine (Cumberland, Biddeford, & York) where youth ages 14-23 have FUN, learn leadership, problem-solving, and advocacy skills, and build youth-adult partnerships. Young people who continue their involvement with YLAT after their 23rd birthday become alumni participants. Transition Specialists let youth know where meetings are held and work out transportation to the meeting. To find a YLAT meeting near you, check out the YLAT Meeting Calendar.


Please use the links below to find a meeting near you.​





Also, check out this resource on Zoom etiquette.


Young people who have experienced the foster care system are invited to become involved with YLAT. Adult partners participate in meetings to provide information and resources, support young people, and learn from youth members. Everyone is always welcome to attend YLAT meetings when they are able.


Our motto is “once a member, always a member.”

What goes on at YLAT Meetings!

Lewiston Ylat
YLAT Meeting
YLAT meeting notes

Visit our Facebook Page to receive general information for youth in care, hear about meetings, learn about special events, stay informed about the annual Teen Conference, and have an opportunity to connect with other young people involved in YLAT.


Facebook is the first place a meeting cancellation is posted.

Bangor YLAT

Youth Leadership Advisory Team (YLAT)


YLAT is a joint project between Maine’s Youth in Foster Care, The Maine Department of Health and Human Services, and the Muskie School at University of Southern Maine. YLAT is committed to improving the short-term and long-term outcomes for youth who are or have been in foster care.

  • Facebook

YLAT, Muskie School of Public Service, University of Southern Maine, PO Box 9300, Portland, ME 04104-9300, phone: 207-780-5861

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